100 Year Anniversary of The Historic Hotel Emerson

Saturday, April 27, 2024

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Emerson Manor, Hoquiam, WA, 98550

100 Year Anniversary of The Historic Hotel Emerson. Held at Emerson Manor on April 27 from 12 noon - 5pm. Exhibitors will share collections of Hoquiam History.

Historic Hoquiam Memories! 100 Year Anniversary of the opening of The Historic Hotel Emerson. Held at Emerson Manor on April 27 from 12 noon - 5pm. Exhibitors will share collections of Hoquiam History Memories of places and business' like Lambs, Posey's, Grays Harbor Plywood, Schools, Masons and much more. Added this year is Downtown Walking Tours at 1pm and 3pm. 7th Street Theatre Open House 12pm - 5pm. ** Admission - FREE** Nothing for sale.


Emerson Manor
703 Simpson Ave.
Hoquiam, WA

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